Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Geoff Smith Associates Ltd (GSA) takes to ensure that Modern Slavery and other abuses are not taking place within our business or that of our Suppliers.

  • GSA itself treats staff with respect and pays above the National Living Wage.
  • GSA provides staff with a safe place to work and invest in training of staff and managers.
  • GSA abide by policies and processes which include matters of staff welfare and Health and Safety.
  • GSA policies, and compliance with the same, are internally assured and externally inspected annually as part of our accreditations.
  • GSA policies include a commitment to be a fair and transparent employer.
  • We equip staff with knowledge of Modern Slavery and other forms of business malfeasance and encourage reporting including by confidential means.
  • We provide annual awareness training reminding staff of our commitment.

GSA have assessed the risk of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in our business as LOW. That is not to say there is any complacency.

  • We are committed to Human Rights and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to Modern  Slavery/labour abuse in all forms in our Supply Chain.
  • We undertake due diligence in respect of our Suppliers to the best of our ability seeking to identify any Indicators of Modern Slavery or other forms of labour abuse.
  • We utilise available Open Source Intelligence to research Suppliers.
  • We review our key Suppliers at least annually at which time we again look for any Indicators of unacceptable practices.
  • We require Suppliers to conform to and maintain key accreditations pertinent to their industry.   

This statement was approved by the Company Directors on 15th July 2024.


ISO9001 Quality Management System (Accreditation since: 2003 Certificate No 97492020)

ISO27001 Information Security Management System (Accreditation since: 2010 Certificate No 168202020)

ISO14001 Environmental Standard and Social Value (Accreditation since: 2014 Certificate No 216712020)

Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate: Cyber Essentials Accreditation since: 2014. Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation since 2017

NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (22/23 Standards Exceeded: Organisation code E5D0H)

GSA operate from a Police Assured Secure Facility (PASF)


GSA Solutions are available to purchase through a number of leading frameworks, including:

G-Cloud 13 – Crown Commercial Services

Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS 6) – Crown Commercial Services

Contact Us

5 Cartwright Court,
Cartwright Way,
Bardon Hill,
LE67 1UE

Telephone: 01455 299100

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