CycTSU - RIPA Compliant system for technical surveillance

CycTSU – the complete RIPA Compliant corporate Surveillance Equipment, Storage Media and Product management system for Technical Surveillance.

Designed and developed in partnership with serving Police Officers and subject experts for ease of use and includes comprehensive functionality to support all associated activity within the area of Technical Surveillance.

CycTSU is one of the modules in the CycCovert suite of RIPA compliant applications including CycSurveillance, CycCHIS and CycCOMMS.

…providing solutions to assist Technical Surveillance Units.

The system enables the recording of all equipment, storage media and product details such as specifications, ownership, location, purchase information, clear-down, retirement and destruction.

The solution provides efficient and direct navigation around each record in order to save time and effort without changing screens allowing easy overview of all information.

The solution records TSU Jobs, Operations, Observation Points and related Nominals. This enables the linking of key data entities, for example, highlighting links between Operations, Surveillance Jobs and the Equipment used. The system integrates fully with CycSurveillance application to ensure increased efficiency, reduce effort and enable collaboration between departments.

An integrated Document Management facility enables the storage of related Equipment Guides, Invoices and Maintenance Schedules etc.


  • Comprehensive Equipment Management Database
  • Tasking and office management allows supervisor to task Field Officer via automated task generated from within the system, thereby reducing officer time
    Management and tracking of Faults, including servicing and repairs
  • Ability to manage both Regulated Surveillance and non-Regulated Surveillance
  • Jobs and Operations databases
  • Creation and Effective Management of all Surveillance Product
  • Management of Destruction Process for Surveillance Product from initial request, through approval to final destruction
  • Full security, permission enabled access and viewing rights with comprehensive Audit trails

Operational Effectiveness

  • Searchable Observation Point database
  • Complete movement tracking for all Surveillance Product
  • Equipment Database includes home ‘owner’ location as well as ‘loaned’ location – ideal for Regional deployment
  • Effective allocation and tracking (booking in and out, loans and reservations) for Equipment
  • Creation of Feasibility study for Job

Added Benefits

  • Automatic generation of MG forms, labels and seals
  • Designed to support complex TSU structure in large force and to support regionalised TSU (ability to effectively manage equipment loans)
  • Integrated document management to allow capture of equipment documents (e.g. photo, instruction manuals, warranties, servicing reports)
  • CycTSU integrates with GSA Surveillance module - CycSurveillance providing automatic population from surveillance requests into TSU and also automatic population of Feasibility Studies and Surveillance Product from CycTSU back into CycSurveillance
  • Ability to index documents to specific records within the system, e.g. images, maps, documents, video, audio or any file type

Next Steps

> Request a demo


ISO9001 Quality Management System (Accreditation since: 2003)

ISO27001 Information Security Management System (Accreditation since: 2010)

ISO14001 Environmental Standard and Social Value (Accreditation since: 2014)

Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate: Cyber Essentials Accreditation since: 2014. Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation since 2017

NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (Standards Exceeded: Organisation code E5D0H)

GSA operate from a Police Assured Secure Facility (PASF)


GSA Solutions are available to purchase through a number of leading frameworks, including:

G-Cloud 14 – Crown Commercial Services

Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS 6) – Crown Commercial Services

Contact Us

5 Cartwright Court,
Cartwright Way,
Bardon Hill,
LE67 1UE

Telephone: 01455 299100

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