

CycFirearms ScreenshotCycFirearms is an intuitive cloud based licensing case management solution to process all Firearms Licensing applications, renewal and queries with full document management capabilities.  It has been completely updated to be a cloud hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) operating in the latest HTML5 environment.

CycFirearms integrates with both Single Online Home and NFLMS enabling instant access to information regardless of location with powerful tasking functionality and providing document storage in line with RRD compliance.

The solution offers the ability to store additional information and intelligence including archived or transferred records, legacy Addresses, Gun Clubs, Intelligence and Diary and Event Notes.

A firearms holder Record is automatically created for every NFLMS Person or Company from downloaded NFLMS data including address and certificate details.  A Cyclops Record is also automatically populated upon submission of forms into Single Online Home.

As standard, the system includes Workflow, Tasking, Templates, Checking and office management facilities. The Dashboard provides overviews of when Tasks are scheduled, allowing access to details of a Task’s history & completion, outstanding actions and Tasks requiring re-allocation.

The application provides embedded reporting facilities and automatically integrates with your Office365/Azure environment for the automated sending of renewal reminders and other notifications.

With integrations to PNC and to other source data providers including Experian, our solution is able to undertake automated checking where required.

Time saving and efficient

  • Tasking and Case Management facilities enable effective Case Progression for all users including Licensing Office Users, FEOs, Licensing Managers leading to the issuing of Firearms Licences.
  • Manage the checking processes and outcomes for all persons involved.
  • Ability to export data and documents to laptops for Field Officer interviews.
  • Creates a regularly updated Record of NFLMS data using the NFLMS Reference.
  • Upload data into other Force systems.
  • Ability to retain and add additional intelligence.
  • Ability to view and store previous Applications and intelligence, including retention of re-located persons or companies data & documents.
  • CycFirearms package takes daily NFLMS downloads but stores updates and so is available when NFLMS is down.

CycFirearms ScreenshotNFLMS Integration

  • Document enabling of NFLMS so any certificate, document, email, email attachment, photo, image, file, map, plan or letter that is received in connection with an NFLMS Record can be stored, viewed and managed utilising the National Index Reference.
  • Document images can be copied, collated, emailed, printed, exported, redacted and sanitised and Case Files generated.
  • Auto-population of NFLMS References to avoid typing errors and flagging within System of erroneous References.
  • National RRD compliant solution enabling lifecycle management of Documents and Records

Single Online Home Integration

  • GSA are working on a national project with a Home Office backed team to integrate the Single Online Home web-site into our firearms solution so that all forms submitted via SoH automatically populate into our solution for Case and Licence progression.

Powerful Search Facilities

  • Comprehensive additional Record and Document Meta Data and Free Text search facilities that enables word-searching within all system data, scanned images and type-written document text. All search results can be filtered, exported, emailed, and document-filter searched.
  • With full Roll Based Access Controls, system access is permission enabled down to user, record and document level.
  • APIs to permit integration with third party solutions including PNC, Address Validation, Experian Products and other Open Source Intelligence Tools.


As standard, the system includes Tasking facilities, for example, a Supervisor can Task a Field Officer to undertake a Job. Tasking enables effective office management with overviews of when Tasks are scheduled, details of a Task’s history & completion, outstanding actions and Tasks requiring re-allocation.

Secure Scanning

If required, GSA’s secure scanning service for Firearms Administration Departments provides a collection, preparation, scanning, indexing, re-assembly, data return or data import into  the solution, document destruction service within a secure audited environment. 

Our Customers

GSA has been delivering solutions into Firearms Licensing teams for over twenty years even before the introduction of NFLMS.  Our Case Management solution has evolved over that period providing the features the forces needed that NFLMS didn’t. 

We now have a multi-tenanted secure cloud hosted solution that is in  deployment to forces.

Next Steps

> Request a demo


ISO9001 Quality Management System (Accreditation since: 2003 Certificate No 97492020)

ISO27001 Information Security Management System (Accreditation since: 2010 Certificate No 168202020)

ISO14001 Environmental Standard and Social Value (Accreditation since: 2014 Certificate No 216712020)

Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate: Cyber Essentials Accreditation since: 2014. Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation since 2017

NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (22/23 Standards Exceeded: Organisation code E5D0H)

GSA operate from a Police Assured Secure Facility (PASF)


GSA Solutions are available to purchase through a number of leading frameworks, including:

G-Cloud 14 – Crown Commercial Services

Digital Outcomes and Specialists (DOS 6) – Crown Commercial Services

Contact Us

5 Cartwright Court,
Cartwright Way,
Bardon Hill,
LE67 1UE

Telephone: 01455 299100

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